The Peak Tower 2 Block E

Sailing on the Ocean Residential House


To sustain the visual aesthetics in the sophisticated lines, the designer proposes the zero-chroma colors as the main color scheme, of which that the applications of white, black, gray and luminosity display the authenticity of materials, while is figuratively reminiscent of the cruise cabin as fascinating as Titanic sailing on the ocean.

This interior design plan of the residence, which adjoins the river, manifests the extravagant beauty with extraordinary contemporary craftsmanship and skill that construct the divergent variations of the lines, which are neat but glamorous, in the three dimensional space of walls and ceilings.

The long and narrow public area is symmetrically decorated with the reception area and the kitchen and dining room, the design skill refining the given space condition.

The marbles are comprehensively furnished in the house, where the decoration consolidating the black granites, iron lightings, natural and distinct materials manifests the beauty of materials with the contemporary design skills.